Paddling: Boston Rd. to Station Rd.

Boston Rd. to Station Rd. Sunday, Sept. 16, 2018 5.7 miles, about 4.5 hrs After a rocky start in Boston Mills, we will follow the meandering River into a maze of braided channels and tree jams on our way to … Continued

CLOSED: East Branch: SR 87 to Russell Park

Cuyahoga River

East Branch: SR 87 to Russell Park via Sperry Pond 6.2 miles/4 hrs An enchanting trip on a small, flat-water stream, 15-20 feet wide. We’ll paddle upstream from our put-in to visit Sperry Pond, then downstream on a largely channelized … Continued

Russell Park to Camp Hi

Cuyahoga River

Russell Park to Camp Hi / 9.6 miles, about 5 hrs Another beautiful paddle in the State Scenic River section of the river. We’ll see extensive wetlands and swamp forest; spring wildflowers will be out on the shore, and there … Continued

Camp Hi to SR 303

Cuyahoga River

May 19 Camp Hi to SR 303 10.7 miles, about 6 hrs Wetlands and swamp forests grace much of this trip, with occasional agricultural, sand and gravel, and residential development. A lively current and strainers in some sections require boat-handling … Continued

Cuyahoga St. to Bolanz Rd.

Cuyahoga River

Cuyahoga St. to Bolanz Rd. / 10.1 miles, about 6.5 hrs This section of the Cuyahoga shows mixed use: wooded parkland with intrusions from agriculture, recreation, and commercial and residential development. Cuyahoga Valley National Park and the RAP (Remedial Action … Continued

Bolanz Rd. to Boston Rd.

Cuyahoga River

Bolanz Rd. to Boston Rd. / 6.8 miles, about 4.5 hrs The River is channelized between steep, muddy banks at the put-in, but soon twists through numerous oxbows, requiring paddlers to negotiate tight turns and downed trees. After a portage … Continued

Boston Rd. to Station Rd.

Cuyahoga River

Boston Rd. to Station Rd. / 5.7 miles, about 4.5 hrs After a rocky start in Boston Mills, the river meanders into a maze of braided channels and tree jams on its way to the historic Station Road Bridge. Tributaries … Continued

Station Rd. to Rockside Rd.

Cuyahoga River

Station Rd. to Rockside Rd. Provided the canal diversion dam at Station Road has been removed, a lively current will carry us from our put- in and through the Pinery Narrows, site of a heron rookery and an active eagle … Continued

Whiskey Island Walk

Wendy Park 2800 Whiskey Island, Cleveland, OH, United States

Join us on this June morning as we tour Wendy Park on Whiskey Island at the mouth of the Cuyahoga. We will learn about the human and natural history of this unique place, including the fight led by Ed Hauser … Continued
