Plain Dealer asks Sen. Portman to Protect Lake Erie

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From Cleveland Plain Dealer/ | March 08, 2017


Protect Lake Erie from devastating Trump administration cuts, Sen. Portman: editorial


Never. No way. A frittering away of the nation’s most precious water resources. A job-killer, and a curse on future generations.

That’s what Republican Sen. Rob Portman must say loud and clear about a leaked Trump administration plan to gut Great Lakes funding.

Portman must do all he can — and no less than he did during the Obama administration when he helped protect the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative from repeated proposed cuts by President Barack Obama (ironically, since Obama started the initiative.)

Never has the threat been more grave.

To help pay for tens of billions in increased defense spending, President Donald Trump’s administration reportedly is considering eviscerating the Great Lakes initiative with a 97 percent cut.