PADDLE: Cuyahoga St. to Bolanz Rd

Cuyahoga River

This section of the Cuyahoga shows mixed use: wooded parkland with intrusions from agriculture, recreation, and commercial and residential development. Cuyahoga Valley National Park and the RAP (Remedial Action Plan) area start here. We will pass Valley View Area of … Continued

PADDLE: A Float in the Shipping Channel

Cuyahoga River

We will plan a paddle in the shipping channel in Cleveland, home to rowers, SUPers, dragon boats--and 700-foot freighters. Details to be determined in coming weeks. Read more information about FOCR Canoe Trips.


Industrial Valley Bike Tour

We will use the Towpath Trail to explore the Industrial Valley of Cleveland. 90% of the riding will be on the bike trail with a few short stretches on the street. Our pace will be leisurely as we make several … Continued


PADDLE: East Branch: SR 87 to Russell Park via Sperry Pond

Cuyahoga River

An enchanting trip on a small, flatwater stream, 15-20 feet wide. We’ll paddle upstream from our put-in to visit Sperry Pond, then downstream on a largely channelized river through wetlands and swamp forest. Travel light for lift-overs of trees and … Continued


PADDLE: Russell Park to Camp Hi

Cuyahoga River

Another beautiful paddle in the State Scenic River section of the river. We’ll see extensive wetlands and swamp forest; late spring wildflowers will bs out on shore, and there is always a lot of bird activity on this trip. There … Continued


PADDLE: Buchert Memorial Park to Red Fox

Cuyahoga River

Wetlands and swamp forests greet us shortly after we put in, followed by occasional agricultural, sand and gravel, and residential development. A lively current and strainers in some sections require boat-handling skills. We’ll use the Red Fox take-out just downstream … Continued


PADDLE: Cuyahoga St. to Bolanz Rd.

Cuyahoga River

This section of the Cuyahoga shows mixed use: wooded parkland with intrusions from agriculture, recreation, and commercial and residential development. Cuyahoga Valley National Park and the Cuyahoga AOC (Area of Concern) both start here in this section. Akron's wastewater treatment … Continued


PADDLE: Bolanz Rd. to Boston Rd.

Cuyahoga River

The river is channelized between steep, muddy banks at the put-in, but soon twists through numerous oxbows, requiring paddlers to negotiate tight turns and downed trees. After a portage in Peninsula we’ll enjoy two miles of mild whitewater, much of … Continued


PADDLE: Boston Rd. to Station Rd.

Cuyahoga River

After a rocky start in Boston Mills, the river meanders into a maze of braided channels and tree jams on its way to the historic Station Road Bridge. Tributaries include Spring Creek, Columbia Run, Brandywine Creek, and Chippewa Creek. Only … Continued


PADDLE: Station Rd. to Rockside Rd.

Cuyahoga River

We will put in just above the site of the old Canal Diversion Dam--recently removed due to efforts spearheaded by Friends of the Crooked River—so for the first time in decades a current will greet us at our put-in. We’ll … Continued