The Cuyahoga River Area of Concern has something to celebrate!
Join us for a media and milestone event marking our first two delisting victories.
Saturday, May 5 at 3pm • Merwin’s on the river*
East bank at the Columbus Rd. bridge
Yes. It’s a big deal! As the Area of Concern (AOC) celebrates its 30th anniversary, we can finally celebrate the removal of two of the ten impairments on the list. Whereas before now the last few miles of river were inaccessible for people to use and enjoy, now there are trails and paddlesports, places to fish and places to play. Yay! And whereas before now the river would regularly have floating scum and smelly slicks, now it’s clean and lovely enough to want to play at. (Litter and logs don’t count.) Hooray! So we’re having a little party, a few speeches, and a good time…and you’re invited to celebrate and get a preview of what’s next on the road to delisting!
For more information, contact Jane at
*Thanks to Cleveland Metroparks, our gracious host!