FOCR sends letter to the US Justice Department

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Friends of the Crooked River sent a letter to the US Justice Department supporting the City of Akron’s request to revise the Consent Decree concerning plans to control combined sewer overflows and improve water quality in the Cuyahoga River.

We supported their request to eliminate a second interceptor tunnel because their revised plan provides the needed 280 million gallons per day (MGD) of waste water conveyance. A second tunnel would have caused huge damage to the riparian habitat and therefore to the very water quality the plan is charged to correct. In addition, it would have caused damage to the landscape of parks and neighborhoods and extended disruption to towpath and river recreation.

We supported the revision to the timing of construction at the Water Reclamation Facility because the revision expands the secondary biological treatment capacity from the original plan of 170 MGD to 220 MGD. This plan will eliminates by-passes of secondary treatment during high water a full 2 years and 8 months sooner than the original plan.

FOCR believes the proposed Amendments are more protective of the river’s habitat and water quality. They better accommodate recreational use of the River and its associated parks. They are less costly.

Click here to read the complete letter