River Day (May 18, 2019) is an opportunity to spend some time along the Cuyahoga and its system of wetlands, tributaries and, of course, Lake Erie, where the river ends.
There will be fun festivities, peaceful paddling, and lots to do along the river, up in its tributaries and along the lakefront. Get to know the river and its watershed up close and personal. Become a steward. Be river-literate. Be a river lover.
This River Day 2019, we’re gearing up for the big 50th Anniversary (of the 1969 fire on the river, of course) as all year we’ll celebrate the amazing comeback of our wonderful waterway.
Come be part of the River Day story. Clear trash, plant native species, remove invasive plants, and learn history and natural science. Canoe, kayak, bike, hike, watch wildlife or simply enjoy the view – come help us celebrate and protect our Crooked River!
If you’d like to host a River Day activity or become a sponsor and have your name or logo featured, please email info@cuyahogariver.org
Go seek adventures along the Cuyahoga River. Have fun. Learn something.
See you in the watershed!